After sales service of automotive electronics manufacturers

Therefore,After sales service of automotive electronics manufacturers Articles the business application integration of the professional manufacturers and depots to depot the future development of the next important goal. Ferrari, Nissan, Ford and other car firms in the initial attempt of the vehicle intelligent business may be in the next few years, more and more depots will follow up on a similar pattern.

For auto 4S shops, automotive supplies, or to promote the vehicle sales of the weapon; the past two years the situation seems to change, vehicle sales tepid, send auto supplies might as direct price more practical, a single sell automotive supplies fight quality to fight …… 4S shops and automotive electronics manufacturers an opportunity to where

The following are the excerpts used auto parts of HC interview the Hainan Crawford Auto Sales & Service Co., Ltd. Cai Chuanxiong.

HC Auto Electronics: Welcome to an interview with HC; so far this year, DVD navigation, a key to start auto supplies business is not growing

Crawford: This year, sales of automotive supplies, basic flat with last year, the store Aftermarket are packaged into the vehicle sale, the relationship between sales is also a season this month just selling cars of the off-season of Hainan, has also led to the sale of auto supplies, off-season also slightly decreased a little.

Crawford: the proportion of DVD navigation retrofit is relatively high, as well as the installation of the product outside the car, the car boutique, such as cushion pads are very popular.

HC Automotive Electronics Network: car sales there is a saying, “4S shops selling vehicles do not make money and sell automotive supplies make money,” what do you think this view